Saturday, June 6, 2009


Trying on shorts in the dressing room is probably the only bad part about warm weather. Seeing your thighs in full light for the first time in months can be quite intense and overwhelming. But buying shorts can be avoided with the easiest D.I.Y. idea in the history of working girls : turn your old jeans into cut-off shorts! This is perfect for jeans with rips in the knees that still fit you like a glove, therefore taking away the stress of searching for shorts that fit you and feel comfortable. 

To Do :

1) fold jeans sideways (so the pleat is in the middle of the pant)
2) use sharp scissors (fabric scissors are perfect if you happen to have them) to cut straight across. cut one leg at a time, keeping a super steady hand. make sure they are two inches longer then you want so you can fold over.
3) try shorts on. take them off and make them shorter if you want. if not, fold up edge of jeans and use straight pins to hold the fold in place. just mark the sides and finish pinning the edges after taking the shorts off.
4) hand stitch the edges or run a sewing machine straight around the middle of the fold. if the jeans are a lighter wash, use light thread. if dark jeans, use dark thread, like navy blue. 

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