Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don't Waste Your Money!

An easy way to waste your money is to buy super fancy toiletries that claim to do things that toiletries aren't really made to do. For instance, take anti-cellulite creams and lotions. They don't work! There is no scientific proof that rubbing in a lotion on the surface of your skin helps to get rid of the cellulite that's underneath it. 

It's so tempting to go into a store and get carried away by the packing and the descriptions on bottles of creams, lotions and hair products. Of course everything looks great! That's because there are rooms full of people thinking up new ways to convince you that you need their product. But always remember that the only person who has control over your money is you. If you want beautiful, healthy skin, the $2 stuff from Vaseline works wonders. If you want to get rid of your cellulite, get some cardio in 3-4 times a week, drink lots of water and keep your fat intake down. Creams are a waste of your time and money. 

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